Beyond Addiction

Beyond Addiction - Kit Rocha I didn't expect to be so moved by Trix and Finn's story, since we have only mostly seen Trix in the background in the previous instalments and glimpsed him as an adversary. But I should've known better. I cried at some point, okay? Thanks goodness you can always count on a happy ending in this series. Anyway, it was a whirlwind, watching them dealing with their past and falling in love all over again rather than just picking up where they left off.

I also loved learning more of what is up elsewhere in the sectors, we got a better glimpse of six and the countryside, and we've learned what kind of other trouble is brewing and I can see how all these little things are piling up and gradually coming to something big. And, as always, it was great to see the already familiar characters and the interactions among everyone with a great continuity as to characterisation.